What financing plans are available?
With the assistance of dental insurance, your dental care can be made more affordable. If you have an existing dental insurance, we can help you get the most out of it by preparing and electronically filing the necessary forms for you. Do take note that not all dental plans are created equal. Premiums and benefits can vary widely from carrier to carrier and between plans. Be careful to fully understand the depth and limitations of your insurance plan. Here at our dental office, Dr. Sampson is always willing to discuss her diagnosis and treatment plan with you. Moreover, the staff at Dr. Sampson’s office has experience with submitting dental claims to help you understand your insurance coverage. Because our primary concern at Dr. Sampson’s office is your overall health, the best insurance is regularly brushing and flossing, coupled with attending scheduled cleanings to protect your mouth from cavities and disease.
How can my dental fees be more affordable?
We help to make your dental care affordable through various payment options. We assist you with your insurance and submit the computer-generated insurance forms for you, so you never have to remember to bring in paper forms again! On your first visit to our office, please bring in a copy of your dental insurance card. Just as the question, “What does a car cost?” can be answered differently depending on the type, materials and quality of the car, it is the same case with dentistry. Dr. Sampson uses the highest quality materials and lab work so that your dental treatment will be exceptional. We also give you custom-made appointment lengths so that you are not “rushed through” your dental care.